Dra. Doña Malgorzata Kazmierczak. Universidad de Cracovia, Polonia
(b. 1979) – a Ph.D. in History. Since 2004 an independent curator of art projects in Poland and USA, especially performance art events (i.e. International Performance Art Meetings „Kesher” – 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 in Krakow and New York, Ephemeral fixed at the Wschodnia Gallery in Lodz, Poland – 2012, Manuel Vason. RE: Performance – an exhibition at the BWA “Sokol” Gallery in Nowy Sacz, Poland, Performance Month at the City Art Gallery of Kalisz, Poland – 2014, Imagine during the Triennale of Drawing at the National Museum in Wroclaw, 2015). Author of many essays and reviews. Between 2011-2014 – an editor and translator of http:⫽livinggallery.info; 2006–2012 – president of the Foundation for the Promotion of Performance Art “Kesher”; 2012–2014 – managing editor of the Art and Documentation journal; 2014–2016 – director of the City Art Gallery of Kalisz. Between 2016–2017 an editor-in-chief of the Publishing House and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Painting and New Media of the Art Academy of Szczecin. Currently an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University of Krakow.